My Xclub® Sign In

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Forgot Your Password?

Having Trouble Signing In?

For your security, you are one failed attempt away from temporarily locking your account. Please reset your password now or roll the dice and try again.

Account Locked

You have exceeded the maximum attempts to access your account. Your account will unlock automatically after 5:48pm. For immediate assistance, please contact our Call Center between the hours of 8am - 8pm at 1-888-588-7279.

Multiple Accounts

The Email address you have entered is associated with multiple My Xclub® accounts. Please enter the account number of the specific account you wish to login to.

Invalid Email

The Email address you have entered is not associated with any My Xclub® accounts. Please enter the account number of the specific account you wish to login to.

Reset Your Password

An email address is required to reset your password online. Otherwise, please visit the Xclub® for further assistance.
